Testing a theory: using publication design as a data collection tool in research design
During my MA Thesis Project I dedicated part of my study to the development of a manifesto for a creative press at the University of Salford (which you can find here). This aspect of my research was fascinating and I began to develop a keen interest in studying artist led publishing both from an artistic and anthropological perspective.
This publication was part of a small project to develop and use publication design and production as a means of gathering data instead of traditional interview techniques. Inspired by the research of Stacey and Vincent (2011) at the University of Melbourne and their work on alternative ways to collect interview responses with multimedia stimulus, I created an interview riso zine which could be sent to each respondent either in the post or via email. This included more details about the project, image content and their interview questions.
It seemed so obvious to me that in order to have meaningful interactions with participants (who are all artists, collectors and publishers) designed, creative print matter would be an ideal medium.